Trumps argue about dust-sucking art vanka

Trumps argue about dust-sucking art vanka

A vacuuming ivanka double-ganger in a washington exhibition has drawn uproar from the family of U.S. President donald trump.

Commenting on a media report about the "ivanka vacuuming" performance at flashpoint gallery, president's daughter ivanka trump tweeted on tuesday, "women can choose whether to dismantle each other or build each other up. I choose the latter."

Donald trump jr. Spoke of a "sexist attack" against his sister in a tweet. For "self-declared feminists," sexism is apparently okay if it hurts the political enemy, the oldest son of the president tweeted.

In the live work of artist jennifer rubell, a woman who looks like ivanka trump with wavy blonde hair, pink dress and stilettos is condescendingly vacuuming a pink carpet. Visitors of the exhibition can throw down their crumbs from a breadcrumb mountain. The interaction is "pleasurable" for the viewer and creates a sense of power, according to a statement by the artist. At the same time, however, "ivanka" continues to stoically suck on the floor even without a crook.

The work was inspired by a figure whose appearance with "daughter, wife, mother, sister, model, professional woman, blonde" contains an "almost comically broad palette of female identities," explained the art organization culturaldc as the exhibitor. Visitors should question their own relationship to the figure and any complicity in her role-playing.

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