Diligent gardeners spare the village

When fountains and public squares are lovingly decorated at easter time, people are delighted. The annual reports of the "gartenbau und landespflege oberthulba" association, for example, show that a fair amount of work goes into this. In the inn gruner kranz the chairman margot schottdorf buried the garden friends on sunday.

"The planting of the market square is coming", mayor gotthard schlereth was sure of one thing. There are also plans to build an outdoor seating area at the schwarzer adler inn. The timing for the numerous gardening projects is nature. According to schottdorf’s annual review, regular planting, dunging and watering of public flower holders is the order of the day every year. Last year, the hard-working gardeners were also concerned about sponsorships for shrines, association banks, fruit trees and green spaces.

The gardener volunteers took part in a course on the correct pruning of fruit trees and thinned out the orchards in a campaign. They experienced a trip to forchheim and visited the open garden day in mabbach. They entertained the pilgrims arriving from karlstadt, organized an extensive vacation program including the building of a bird house and a picnic, celebrated the eck festival, and tied root bushes. Of course, the barn christmas and the participation in the strabenadvent were not to be missed. "The cooperation with the other associations is excellent", said schottdorf.

Mayor schlereth and the deputy chairman of the district association alexander schneider accompanied the honors. "The gardeners are the green thumbs of a community", schneider stated.

The following members were honored for their 25 years of loyalty: ursula beiersdorfer, ulla halbig, helene heinz, ingrid keller, inge keller, albrecht kiesner, vera martin, dorothea roder, klaus scholl and robert wehner.

Schlereth informed about a planned greenfield site at the end of the village in the direction of hassenbach and the acquisition of a greenfield site at the quellenstrabe by the market town of oberthulba. He awakened the taste for a hassenbach project with rare fruit varieties, such as 20 to 30 pear trees. Schlereth was pleased that the market barn was being used so well. An improvement of the cake equipment is necessary there.

Timo sturzenberger informed about the latest changes in the data protection ordinance. Extensive legal requirements and multi-page declarations of understanding seem to be at odds with straightforward gardening. Some voices from the assembly spoke against the modern sealing with stones around new buildings: "this is toal against the short popular vote". In addition, the stone landscape is more difficult to maintain than natural lawns, which are also beneficial to wildlife.

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